Frequntly Asked Questions

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

GuessAndMatch is a uniquley challenging guessing game. Your goal is to try to guess and match the hidden name using revealed clues within 7 tries. Here are the frequently asked questions about this game.

Guess the US State G.A.M.E. sample
(Sample Guess the US State GAME)


What should be my first guess?

Depending on the category, topic and any hints provided you can make any educated guess as your first guess. Your guess will be matched against the hidden name in the envelope and match clues will be revealed about each game attribute. Based on these clues, you can refine your next guess.

What are game attributes?

Each game has its own set of attributes. For example the country game has continent name attribute. If your guessed country's continent name matches with the hidden country's continent name, then this attribute will show a = symbol underneath it. If the guessed country's continent name does not match with the hidden country's continent name then this attribute will show a ≠.

What is that Egg 🥚?

Egg means 'not a match'. But its only shown if you didnt match despite a prior revealed clue. It means you matched in one of the prior guesses but then you mismatched again. It could also mean you had not matched before but you tried a similar answer that had same attribute, hence its also not a match. Egg tells you that your guess is wrong despite previous revealed clues and that you should not have made this clearly wrong guess.

What are the difficulty levels?

Choose from four levels of difficulty -

Finding Nemo is easy level, geared towards beginners still exploring the game.
Bring It On is medium difficulty level - it is for challengers.
Hunger Games is a hard level - its for players ready to compete.
Mission Impossible is the hardest level - its for serious competitors. There is no room for errors in this level. An egg will get you a zero score.

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Do I have to match in first guess?

No. Although Ace-in-one is not uncommon, you can make multiple guesses, one by one. Each guess you make reveals more clues about the answer. Use the match clues to make your next educated guess.

How many guesses can I make?

You should try to match in 7 guesses. You can make more guesses after exceeding 7 but you will score 0.

How much time do I have?

You should try to match in 7 minutes. You can make more time after exceeding 7 minutes but you will score 0.

How many eggs can I get?

You should try to match in 7 eggs. You can still guess after getting 7 eggs but you will score 0.

I matched all attributes. Why it's still not a match?

In cases where there are more than one possible answers, you have to match the answer that is pre-seleced and hidden in the envelope. Make another guess.

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What is the max score?

Max score is the maximum score you can get in a game if you match in just one guess within a minute. All game envelopes have a max score of 100. If you exceed one minute or take more than one guesses to match, or receive eggs, you will receive a reduced score.

How is the score calculated?

Score is calculated based on the difficulty level of the game, number of tries, number of eggs and amount of time required to guess and match. You can score anywhere from 0 to 100 depending on those factors.

I matched in first guess. Why is my score not the same as max score?

Score depends on both number of guesses and amount of time taken before making the guess. If you take too much time making your first or any other guess, your score is reduced.

I matched. Why is my score zero?

If you exceed 7 guesses before you match or if you take more than 7 minutes to match or if you receive more than 7 eggs, then you score 0 for that game.

How can I get the best score?

Try to guess faster and try to match in fewest guesses without getting any eggs. Scoring takes into account the number of eggs received plus both the time taken to match and number of guesses requied to match.

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