Wordess vs Wordle

Updated: Feb 21, 2025

Wordess on GuessAndMatch and Wordle on The New York Times are both word guessing games. A word guessing games is a type of brain game where a player has to guess the mystery word using given clues and rules in fewest tries.

There are multiple word guessing games available online. One of the most popular is The New York Times' Wordle and then there are some word games similar to Wordle or a variant of Wordle. Some of these word games you can only play once a day and some you can play anytime and multiple times. Some are easy and some are quite challenging. We have compiled a list popular word guessing games for you to try if you haven't already.

Here we are going to compare Wordess and Wordle games to show you how they differ.


Wordess is a uniquely challenging word guessing game on GuessAndMatch. You have to guess the mystery word in 7 tries and match clues are revealed with each guess. Wordess rules differ from Wordle rules.

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Wordle is one of the most popular word guessing games on internet. You have to guess the 5-letter word in 6 tries. Match and position clues are revealed with each guess. Wordle rules differ from Wordess rules.

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Wordess vs Wordle - word puzzle games comparision

Wordess Wordle
Word type 5 letter word
Maximum tries 7 tries to win. More tries to match. 6 tries
Matched letter clue Yes - Green letter Yes - highlighted Green
Mispositioned letter clue None Yes - highlighted Yellow
Match clues A Blue letter is alphabetically lower than the actual letter. A Red letter is higher than the actual letter. Mispositioned letters are Yellow. Unmatched letters are Gray.
Clue errors You are nudged with Egg icon if you didn't heed a clue. None
Difficulty levels Practice, Play and Pro modes offer easy to challenging levels of difficulty None
Frequency Daily and Anytime Daily
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